“What you Say” vs. “What you Mean”

“What you Say” vs. “What you Mean”

Whether you work for a company or work for yourself, what you say and what you mean can be the deciding factor in a persons decision to conduct business with you or not. What you say has little impact on motivating someone to take action, yet for most of us that is what we’re focused on.


Recently I was asked to attend a presentation for network marketing business, at first I was not interested in entering into a business at this point, however it was a friend of mine named Joe who has made a decision to walk away from his current job so I wanted to support him any way I could. The presentation was held at a very nice venue which made all who attended feel very comfortable.


We were told the presentation would last about an hour. When Joe began it was quite obvious he was following a script, his sentences were fragmented and the concept he was trying to deliver were left unfinished. People who were in attendance seemed less interested with what Joe was talking about and more interested with the refreshments being served. I began to question Joe’s decision to quit his job and whether this new venture was in his best interest.


When the night was over Joe came over to me and began to voice his frustrations with people not signing up in his business. I shook his hand and encouraged him not to get discouraged, remember Joe it’s not what you say it’s how you say it…Also ask people what they like best about the presentation! He shook his head and said…Yea, I guess your right Steve.


Later that same week I received a call from Joe asking me to attend another presentation…I thought to myself oh my what was I to tell him? but before I could say another word he began to tell me there would be a guy flying in to do the presentation which made it much easier for me to say I would attend. I didn’t want to be rude to him but that last meeting was a disaster!


Next thing I knew I was back in the same place getting ready to be pitched about that same business…However this time when the presenter began to speak all eyes were on him, it was like he had a fist full of dollars to give out to the first person who made eye contact with him. Same presentation, same script, same product…But he delivered each word with such passion, energy, conviction and meaning which motivated everyone in the room-people were on the edge of their seats listening to every word he’d had to say.


What was the difference? All the material was exactly the same! Yet the results he was achieving were astounding, Joe stood there in amazement. Truth is it doesn’t matter what you say it’s how you say it and what it means to you. Words by themselves have little impact on people, but when you attach meaning to them…You’d be quite surprised with the results you’d have.


Have you ever had someone telling you a something, they seemed to have all the details right but deep down inside you had that feeling they were not telling the truth? That’s the amazing part of how energy works, those “vibes” we receive when we feel something is not right. It could be body language or an expression on their face, it just speaks to what’s real in your heart.


Remember you can’t convince a person if you yourself aren’t totally convinced of it first. You can’t sell something if you are not sold on the idea.


This week before you recruit, present or communicate with people take note of your words, connect with your emotions, speak from the heart with passion and emotion. Know in your soul what you feel is being transmitted in your words. Always look that other person in the eye, with honesty and integrity!

~Stay Strong~

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