Today’s Words Create Tomorrow’s Reality

Today’s Words Create Tomorrow’s Reality
It has been an amazing summer here in Maine, a bit on the dry side but nonetheless the best three months we’ve had in years. Not one rainy weekend all summer.
My wife and I spend the long labor day weekend with friends enjoying cook outs and of course…Lobstah, steamers, and freshly picked sweet corn on the cob. Did I mention the butter??
The first party was on Saturday late afternoon with approximately 15-20 people in attendance. Sunday it was an early cook out with 20-30 people in attendance, there was no shortage of food, later Sunday night an amazing fireworks display and, yet…More food!!
fireworks-file1 With that many people I couldn’t help notice the diversity of people, some with little money, others very well off. Some happy some not happy.
Whenever I’m in a crowd of people I like to take the time and talk to as many people as I can to learn more about them. I learned a long time ago, it’s easier to gain peoples respect if you authentically interested in hearing what they have to say-people love to talk about themselves.
The first person I talked to was retired and happy to be living life on his terms, with a life of hard work now behind him and many years of retirement ahead of him he was relaxed and content. He told me that looking back on his life he wished that he could have worked a less physical job, with less hours, he said Steve I always ended up doing all the work and was the first person that they asked to work all the overtime, I hated that… a-7-day-workweek-is-now-legal-in-wisconsin-heres-why-it-could-be-disastrousThe second person I talked to was just out of college and working at a job he didn’t go to school for, we all need to work sometimes any job is better than no job…Right?
you decide.
When I asked him what his major was in college he told me it was liberal arts, I don’t know what I want to do with my life yet but my parents wanted me to go to college so I could get a degree and a good job…He was working at a job he didn’t want or like but he needed to work to pay his bills. He said, Steve I just need some more time to figure it out I don’t have a clue what I want to do!
The third person I talked to had been working for a company for 20 years but was recently let go, I didn’t hate my job I worked there for twenty years of my life, but you know how it is Steve after a while you get board with your job and the people you work with, they did me a favor I was done with that place a long time ago… how-to-find-a-jobThere were many more people I had conversations with over the weekend, however the three people I spoke about had one thing in common. They demonstrated The Universal Law of attraction with every word they spoke. What ever you put out comes right back to you (good or bad).
As your words leave your mouth and go out into the universe seeking reflection, which literally attract similar words and similar situations and energies into your life.
  • The first person “hated all that overtime.” In reality he received more of what he hated…
  • The second person “just needed more time to figure it out”…”Didn’t have a clue what he wanted to do.” Is it likely he will find a job he likes any time soon?
  • The third person “I was done with that place a long time ago.” Do you think he attracted more of what he was done with? 
This week be aware of the words you speak and the context of how you use them. Each work is like a boomerang and will come right back to you.d1360d24212d8532a9b5e92f1124d249It has been said words are the highest form of architecture.
~Stay strong~
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