Over the years we have all had the desire to become wealthy, however if your like most people “life” just seems to get in the way and there never seems to be enough money to get ahead.
The good news is there are many ways to increase your wealth with little to no change in your standard of living.
First we must figure out what we want. Are you spending money on things that don’t bring you joy!
One of the first things to do is to come up with a realist goal in mind. If a professional marksman is shooting at a moving target do you think he will hit it?If you and I are going to live a life of financial freedom we must first set up a plan.
Think about your expenses, it’s not about depriving yourself, it is adjusting your spending habits to be congruent with your core values.
Here are 6 steps to help you be more successful with your savings:
1) It is always best to sit down with your spouse (if that applies) write down all your variable expenditures, the recurring bills such as the mortgage, insurance, etc will be added to the list, however, cell phone, going out-to-eat, cash, movies, are expenses that we can make adjustments to. Remember don’t deprive yourself. This is a birds eye view of your financial future which you do have control over. Think instead where you can save, decide to become an investor instead of a consumer.
2) Write the cost next to each item. I like to highlight each cost. Make sure you add the totals for each item for the week.
3) Next on a scale of 1-10 ( 1 being not pleasurable 10 being very pleasurable) write the number next to each item on your list.
4) Read each item on your list. It this expense going to get you to financial freedom some day??
5) Life is about balance, as we mentioned earlier don’t deprive yourself all the things on your list. Just think about what your life will be if you can eliminate a few expenses.
6) Write down which expenses you have eliminated, calculate how much money this will save you over the next year.
The first time we did this is was quite humbling, I was amazed how much money we were spending on things that weren’t bring us joy or excitement.
Take the first step in being the master of your money.
Instead of you working for your money, make your money work for you!!
~Have an amazing week~
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