Productivity Or Technology

Productivity Or Technology

In many way’s the world is the same as it was years ago. Some would argue the new era we live in is a much faster pace with a constant change in methods and means pertaining to work as well as in our personal lives. People still get up go to work and have leisure time in the evening, well not everyone…Time has become the new obsession, or lack there of. If you’d look at time I think we all could agree, 24 hours a day 7 day’s a week…That’s all we have…Right?


So what is the difference today? Time is the same. Could it be computers? Cell phones? Social Media? Information it literately at our finger tips, anything you need to know is just a few clicks away. However with all this technology our ability to be more productive in a shorter time frame is normal…Right? You’d think we’d all agree but when looking around in public the majority of the population in on warp speed, seems like everyone is in a hurry to go no where with less time to get there…Cripes…


An endless wheel of stress and confusion with little to no change in newly formed habits which have most doing the same thing over and over again and again…Sound familiar? Technology should have made our lives easier and much more productive with more free time each day. Truth is it doesn’t matter if more tools, or technology is available, how we utilize them is what does matter.



Being more productive allows us to measure the amount of output we generate in a small time frame. You don’t have to look very far here in Maine to find a farmer who is growing a crop of corn. If each farmer owned one acre of land and planted a dozen plants he could provide a few meals for his family. Should that same farmer plant three hundred plants he could provide his family with a meal for many months. Increasing the productivity of the farm allows the farmer to receive a better return on the initial investment of time.

Cornfield in Illinois - September

To be more productive leverages time for pleasure or more work to be completed. Either way the more efficient we become the more activity can be generated. This is the new norm today increase productivity complete more work with less people. Some would say work smarter not harder.


Whether you agree with productivity or not one thing we can all agree on is we all wish to be successful, no one sets out to fail. However that’s what happens to some people, they lack the knowledge to be productive and before long they fail over and over. No one intentionally wants to fail. Same is true for those who follow the model of success. Find someone who has done what you wish to do then Model each behavior. In many ways we adapt to those around us, if they are scattered and unorganized, then you will become the same.


One of my mentors told me if you want to be successful find someone who has done something similar to what you want and model what they do. Don’t let words be the motivation to get you going, a daily action plan with a start time and completion time should be part of your habits.


Develop an action plan, ditch the to-do list, often times they never get done. Instead sit down and write out what needs to be accomplished today, next week, next month as well as next year. Don’t just write a plan, think it through with as many details as you can think. Set up a time frame for completion. Never set out to complete a project without a plan on how your going to complete the tasks which need to be addressed. Be clear, focused and develop good habits, small changes in our daily behavior can help be more productive in the long run.


Don’t wait until tomorrow…Begin today.

You’ll be glad you did!

~Stay Strong~


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