by | Jun 1, 2018 | Mindset
We all enjoy lending a hand when asked yet often times it’s not always a good time to stop what we’re doing however we decide to do it anyway. You know you can make the difference and would rather help out because saying no could disappoint or make someone upset with you. There are times when we would just say yes so people would like us or say thank you! This gives us positive feed back which sometimes we all desire. At some point saying yes becomes a conflict with our values or beliefs. When asked to perform a task or help someone out becomes a conflict it’s ok to say no. We should say no when the task is a dreaded job, or if your not being treated with respect, especially when your not all in. Same is true for your spouse or partner, if you are being mistreated saying yes is not going to change the situation or meet you in the middle if a decision is to be made. If you don’t put your life first than no one will, that does not mean you should ignore people or never help someone in need, we should always be willing to be in service of others. Sometimes people have good intentions but fail to consider your point of view. We have one life to live, as long as it is our life and not the life of someone else. You must decide if your needs are being met also. Remember when we were kids and our parents would say – if your with your friends and they...
by | May 25, 2018 | Business
In today’s world we depend on email to communicate with people, it can send a message to all within the office in seconds, it’s easy and fast. Tell the person next to you about an issue or an FYI to keep all informed. I can’t imagine how we’ve been able in the past to get the word out to co workers within the work place. Before the email was invented you had to get up and walk over to the person next to you and talk face to face. Or you would call people one by one, yikes that could take hours…Many hours were wasted just to pass along information. In addition the hours wasted were also not just yours, we all have good intentions however when delivering a message in person or on the phone, seems like a conversation would start up often times not related to the initial conversation! Not only a waste of your time but a wast of the person you are attempting to communicate with as well. Email can be misunderstood, not everyone is on the same page as you, discover a funny email and forward to that person thinking they would get a kick out of it, only to be let down when they respond on the defensive side. It can be easy to offend someone with an email which they may or may not think is funny, in fact if the wrong message is sent that person may think your email is far from funny and could be offended by your message. This can lead to further issues as time goes by....
by | May 18, 2018 | Business
If you are in business or working at a job it doesn’t take long to figure out, each day is getting shorter and workloads are getting longer, sound familiar? Time is more valuable now then any time in history, we determine if we’re able to complete a task based on time which often times is true however if we slow down and look at how time is utilized we might think a bit different. Developing a check list is important when looking at all items you wish to complete. One challenge is how each task is delegated. If there’s to many to-do’s and we don’t complete the list each day we end up with a few things left incomplete. Over time tasks which appear day after day can be discouraging. One of my good friends was working over the past month trying to complete his list only to become frustrated when he was not able to finish, in fact the list grew. His schedule is a challenge up early work all day as well as a very long commute as a result of traffic getting out of the city. For him Saturday’s tend to be the only day to pull it all together. His intentions are good but along the way life has a unique ability to pull him in other directions. There are ways to overcome life’s challenges one way is to use leverage, we think of leverage as in a financial investment or debt. In 2008 people leveraged their homes taking out equity to purchase anything they desired. Over time people over leveraged their homes and got...
by | May 11, 2018 | Mindset
How valuable is your time? if money were linked to every second of the day how would you spend it? Each time we make a decision we are in changing an outcome which should be in our favor right? Often times some decisions tend to be not the right ones yet we look for the change we desire. Clarity in decision making can enable a better outcome in the future as well as save precious time which in today’s world is priceless. Reaching the right decision in a short amount of time can also save unnecessary work in your personal life and in the business world, if indecision, over analyzing, re-thinking,consume each decision energy to take action is wasted. Sometimes the method which we use to make decisions each day might need to be changed. If we were to go set out for a destination we’ve never been to before but we had no direction or path to follow how would we know where we were going? Instead if we follow a specific path we are much more likely to end up where we want to go. To create a path for clarity we must begin to write down important decisions, often times we keep it all in our head thinks it will work our, however after a few hours only to end up right where we started! Writing down what needs to be done allows for a clear view on issues which need to be addressed, it can also provide you with an alternative solution, you can look back to the first option and have a better way...
by | May 4, 2018 | Health
As time ticks by so does our need for sleep. The more people you tale to these days the more it is clear you and I tend to not get enough sleep, although we think we’re sleeping good, most mornings we awake get a cup of coffee and away we go, start the day hurry up to work, the office, a meeting, presentation, or just off to work. Never thinking how well we slept the night before which is one very important factor when it comes to daily progress and productivity. Only if we could keep that Crystal ball next to our bed so when we do wake up we can monitor last nights sleep pattern. Why is monitoring how much sleep important ? With out a set time for bed and a solid night sleep pattern limits our focus and concentration. We are more likely to make more mistakes when we are not properly rested. Our internal time clock tells us we got enough sleep and to keep going. Although that might be a common response, however if we look at the details we need 6-8 hours of sleep to provide enough rest to recharge our batteries. Today we are faced with different elements which limit a rest full night sleep. Seems more and more people today are trading sleep for time to complete tasks, personal as well as in business it is a new trend which can do more harm than good. Have you ever thought you’ll get caught up on sleep this weekend? Only to wake up early thinking about how much needs to get done...
by | Apr 27, 2018 | Performance
We’ve all heard about time management at some point in our lives, focus on what is a priority and work your plan, the issue is that to-do-list becomes longer and longer. In fact no matter how many things we write down often times we stress if everything does not get done…Sound familiar? If we wrote it down we must get it done…Truth is not everything needs to get finished everyday, it would be almost impossible to complete each task day in and day out. Instead before you end up stressed out focus on the high-priority items, complete them first, if there’s enough time work in the remainder. If you find there’s not enough time to finish those last few tasks, write them in as high-priority items for the next day. Today we’ve been trained to become efficient in the work place which is a good thing for business, however often time can also lead to disappointment, extended work day, little time throughout the day to have a clear thought. We must re-train our brains to believe that it’s ok to not finish everything on the daily list. A new way of thinking as well as new habits. This can aid in our personal growth leading to more productive day. It can also be applied to our personal life. In today’s always on society it can be very easy to find yourself connected to work related issues. We all own smart phones, access to email, phone, text message and many forms of communication. People find themselves working long hours to complete work only go home and answer a few emails,...
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