Issues OR Gifts?

Issues OR Gifts?

Life is full of challenges, we are all at some point in our lives faced with problem which tend to come and go, however ever notice how some problems just don’t go away? Before you know it the problem is now a major issue? Sound familiar? Issues, problems and everyday challenges are a part of everyday life…But…Our problems were created by us. How large an issue is gets manifested by our internal thinking at which point the issues is presented. The longer a problem goes on unaddressed the worse the problem becomes.


Although problems can show up in our lives most we create ourselves. Outside forces don’t control how we think we do, if our level of thinking is to remain the same issues will continue over and over again. A very small shift in how we think can resolve an issue. For example, can you think about a time in life when bad things happen over and over again? A decision was made…But was it the same decision as before?


The car your driving is having issues and it is time to buy a different vehicle, you go to the dealership only to talked into a car your not quite sure of, you’re told it’s a very good deal, however after a couple of months you only end up with a car with more issues!


At the grocery store shopping for food for the week you’re waiting in line at the deli, you have a sense there will be a long wait yet you grab a ticket and stand in line. 20 minutes later (or that’s what it seems) your number is called. At the check out you select the smallest line however the person in front of you has a full shopping cart and decides to write a check!


Driving home you’re unsure if the highway is the fastest way home but still you turn onto the interstate…five minutes later you’re sitting in bumper to bumper traffic for over an hour, only to drive by the alternate route you were thinking about and discover there was no traffic!

Heavy Freeway Traffic

At some point you need to re-evaluate the decisions you make. Or perhaps a deep thought as to why the choices that are made tend to be the wrong one over and over again…Somewhere there is a lesson which your yet to learn, however it will happen again and again unless you can see the trend. It’s easy to point the finger and blame other people or situations out of your control…Right? The challenge becomes when you look at why you keep making poor decisions and still expecting a different result.


It’s been said when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. Take note, problems can be looked at a couple of different ways. It can be an issue which was not your fault or something to learn and grow from. If you look at every challenge as an issue chances are more challenges will show up in your life.


In life we develop habits, it happens to us all we get comfortable in a situation and before long our behavior changes, recognize these habits, do they serve to move you forward? Are you receiving the results you desire? Look deep inside yourself and why you make the decisions you do.


If you don’t change something you will have the same results, don’t be afraid of change, the one constant in life is change. How you view your problems greatly influences your decision to deal with it. Instead search for the lesson way to grow from the experience. Sometimes they aren’t problems at all, the universe is sending a message for you to read and understand.

Don’t miss out the gift the universe is giving you!

~Stay Strong~

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