How To Make Time For What Really Matters

How To Make Time For What Really Matters

Today we all have many extra hours each day to do the things we like to do without thinking about how much time it takes, Right?


LOL…Seriously we’ve all been there done that, there’s never enough time to get those things done we need to get done. So much to focus on and little time to waste. Ever wish you could make a copy of yourself to things which you never seem to have time for? If your like most people your not alone, demands of this new society we all live in we’re pulled in many directions throughout the day it’s amazing any of us actually get anything done.


Today the personal and professional demands we face have left most people with time challenges each day, most of which can increase stress levels and impact personal relationships in a way we don’t understand. When I was a boy my father worked a 9-5 job and my mother was a stay-at-home mom (one of the hardest jobs out there) back then I sort of took it for granted she would always be there for me and my brother when I got home from school.


After school it was a snack then out to play, supper was at 6:00 pm with my dad, we always had supper as a family, and each of us discussed what happened that day. When supper was done it was time to do our homework, no T.V. until it was all complete. If there was time that night my brother and I play in the basement for a bit, then it was time to get cleaned up and get to bed.


Somewhere along the line we’ve slipped away from the family unit like back in the day, some would say it’s just the way it is now a day’s however I still believe in eating supper together and spending some time with each other just talking everyday.

Senior businessman falling near caution sign in hallway

When I became a father I kept that family tradition alive with my kids. Although it was much harder to do in today’s world then it was when I was a boy, my wife was a stay-at-home mom just like my mother was, however instead of me working a 9-5 job like my dad I needed to work 2 jobs at times just to keep our household in check. I am not complaining if I needed to do it all over again I would do it in a heartbeat. Looking back it was an amazing part of life, no matter how tired I was or how late it might have been my kids always sat at the kitchen table with me as I at a late supper.


Later I would always read them a story and tuck them in bed. After they were settled it was my time to get cleaned up and ready for bed.


Summer time I would take a vacation and spend the whole time with my wife and kids, biking, boating, fishing, going to the beach, walking, hiking, or just sitting by a lake, it didn’t matter all that was important to me was seeing us all together spending time as a family.


Both of my kids are now young adults and are on their own, I am happy for them but still miss them. Last weekend we were laughing about when they were younger and how much fun we all had.


The world has definitely changed, it is much more difficult to find the time to spend with family, two people need to work to support a household today. But that doesn’t mean there’s no time for family! It’s a matter of priorities and where you spend the most time. There’s only 24 hours in a day that’s all we get so it’s our job to monitor how we spend out time.


With all the distractions, work, and personal demands we must be careful how we manage what we do each day.


This week take note, think about all the important things you wish do, spending time with family, friends, and loved ones. Write down all the things you would like to do, when your done look at the list circle which ones you wish to do the most. When complete put a number next to each circle in the level of importance you want to complete them in. Once complete begin with the number one, two, three and so on…Before long each day you’ll develop a new routine, which will include those items to be included in your daily routine.


No matter where you are in life’s journey, you can take control of the time you spend doing things which pull you away from family and friends. Change is hard but so is doing the same thing over and over again…Your life is just that your life…There are only so many tomorrows so begin this week!

~Stay Strong~



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