How To Create Your I-Can-Do List

How To Create Your I-Can-Do List

Now that the new year is underway and most of us are looking at our goals for the year, there’s nothing like a plan to help us to achieve them right? Often time a to-do-list is written down to keep us focused and on task each day, writing out what needs to be completed make us feel like were moving forward, challenge with the list is often time we stress to complete each item and getting everything done, this drains energy away from focusing on what really matters. Eventually we get discouraged and give up after a few weeks or months.


Time management is largely misunderstood, we cannot manage time we can only manage how we utilize time. Instead of stressing out over all the little things on a list create a plan for success. Begin by first eliminating all distractions, shut off the phone, this is one of the biggest distractions/challenges we’re all faced with today, looking at email, social media, text messages etc…etc…Shut off the computer, T.V. find a quite place where you will not be influenced by outside forces.


Once your in a quite place think about what your wants and needs are what motivates you? What makes you happy? Sometimes you need to slow down to go faster, determining what is your real motivation will keep you much more focused than your to-do-list. Developing the long plan/big picture allows you to become self motivated and not wait for outside forces to help you get ahead…Have a meeting with supervisor discuss my future…etc…etc. Removing obstacles which hold you back creates energy for motivation.


It has been said writing down what you want is the first step, once on paper instead of in your head allows you to look at and develop your personal road map for success. We can begin with a 4 step plan. First what do you really want? although we all want more money think instead what would like more than anything, new job? new house? a vacation? spend more time with family? create a business? what is important to you. Second Why do you want it? a question we’ve all heard before yet sometimes we overlook what’s important to us, is serving others your motivation? when you accomplish the task how will it make you feel? Third what is your action plan, any accomplishment must first begin with an action, a daily plan? weekly plan? or monthly action plan needless to say in order to have success we must take action if we desire success. Fourth when do expect success, this element is largely overlooked, being specific allows for clarity which motivates us to take action. Develop a plan which details a specific date, example: I own a new house on march,1 2018. My online business begins on June,1 2018.

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Mapping out your plan is as important is implementing each phase of the plan, don’t take it lightly, if your serious about taking control of your life commit to a plan, if you determine it’s difficult to stay focused revisit what it is you desire. The universe is giving you a message and you must listen and understand the message. Success is knocking at your door step waiting for you any minute. If at first you don’t succeed change your plan, if that doesn’t work change it again. Once you determine what you want, why you want it, what is your action plan, and when you expect to accomplish your plan the universe is going to help you, and remove obstacles which in the past were holding you back.


Time is precious, we all have 24 hours a day however what we do with those hours determines our life. Never give up seeking for what you want. Sometimes what you want is seeking you!

~Stay Strong~


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