How To Control Your Fear Of Failure

How To Control Your Fear Of Failure

We’ve all set goals to hit a target in a period of time. We have also missed those targets and did not complete the goals, however each time we fail to hit that goal we didn’t fail we just became better, stronger and more focused. The challenge is we tend to never look back to see how far we’ve come, instead we look at where we are at this point in time and judge our performance. Needless to say an incomplete task often time can discourage us as well as set us back on our feet and not allow us to self examine our actions.

Fear weaves it’s self in the fabric of our soul. It is like a ball and chain we can never get rid of. Unless you let it. In today’s world less and less people are passionate about their work, They’ve heard stories of people who took a chance and failed. Yet if they never took the chance their life would be exactly the same today as it was yesterday. The only difference from yesterday to today is how we communicate, instead of calling on the phone we now text our kids, even Facebook is not utilized as much these day’s to talk to the kids.

For us to overcome challenges we must first understand fear is the main reason we shy away from facing an issue. The fear of the unknown as well as failure leaves us in uncharted territory. Truth is fear can be controlled. Not by ignoring issues but looking within to use passion as a vehicle to overcome any issue. Have you ever noticed someone who never gives up? No matter how bad a situation is? Have you ever wondered why? Is it their nature to be that way? This can be anyone of us all that is required is that desire to succeed. To be hungry for change fuels our ability and motivate us to keep going no matter what.

Passion alone is not enough for us to keep motivated, however the drive to keep moving forward will. Remember that first job interview? During the meeting you were excited to be a part of the company, but the real reason is you were hungry for the position. Looking forward to new challenges and growth within the company. It is that same desire that drives us through any storm life leaves at our door. Never settle for less than you can achieve. There is greatness within you just waiting to come out, as each day goes by more and more opportunities present themselves to you. It is up to us to recognize if we kick back and don’t embrace challenges, we will live a life of pain. We are either growing or we will die.

When our back is against the wall is when we stand up to the issue and move on. Never be afraid to be a bit uncomfortable when faced with a challenge. Look within and be hungry to embrace what ever is in your way.

It is easy to back down from an issue or conflict. We must remind ourselves the life we desire is just on the other side of fear and frustration. Yet when we have a fall back we tend to let up and let our situation become us instead of taking control of life. We all have a natural ability to look for the option out.

Don’t settle or think this is as good as it gets. There is a world of limitless opportunity for you out there, all that’s required is for you to be passionate and desire change. Be hungry and you’ll never be fearful again!

~Stay Strong~


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