“How To Change Your Thinking In 7 Days”

“How To Change Your Thinking In 7 Days”
There are times when no matter what you do, things just seem to go wrong. It could be at work, in your business or in our personal life, when things start to go wrong we just get frustrated…Sound familiar?
When my daughter was younger (I can’t believe how fast the time has gone by) she loved to watch Harry Potter. On occasion there would be a “Harry Potter weekend”, she would watch that on and off all day. Don’t get me wrong I am not a big fan of just letting my children sit in front of the T.V. all day. However I knew how much she enjoyed to sit back and watch the show. 635928813228715913601631127_harry_potterThen one day my daughter came to me and told me how amazing the author was, I thought to myself who is she talking about? You’d think by now I would know!!
So I did some research on the author, turns out her name is Joanne Rowling better known as J.K.Rowling incorporating her “pen” name after her grandmother Kathleen.
J.K. Rowling attended Exeter University.
After J.K. graduated college got married, her daughter Jessica was born in 1993.
When her marriage ended in divorce she moved to Edinburgh to be near her sister.While struggling to support herself and daughter Jessica, J.K. wrote a book, and idea she thought about in 1990. The rest is history!
Although her situation was not good she used that time to focus on an idea from her past.
So how can we change our thinking when life happens?
when-life-happens One of the best ways to change our lives is to go on a diet!
I don’t mean a food diet.

The word diet spelt out in vegetables on a wooden board.

I mean a mental diet.CoQ10-may-reverse-effects-of-age-related-mental-decline-Mouse-data_strict_xxlThat means every thought you have which is negative you don’t speak it, of course that doesn’t mean you won’t still have a negative thought, it means you don’t say it!

Next time something makes you angry or frustrated don’t think about it, is focusing on that negative thought going to make the situation any better?
When you get a negative thought say to yourself…Erase that…Imagine that thought as piece of paper, crumble up the paper and through it in the garbage can. Tie a Red balloon (you can choose your favorite color) on that garbage can and let it float away out of your mind.
It can be a challenge being 100% positive all the time, truth is sometimes it can help us when bad things come into our lives. It is a matter of how you look at the problem!
If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.
Look at the problem, see it as it is not worse than it is.
Everything happens for a reason and a purpose and it serves you.


  • What’s great about this?
  • What can you learn from this?
  • What’s the message here?

Instead of thinking about the problems look for how it can serve you or others.

Like any diet it only works if you do.
Do-The-WorkOver the next 7 days keep negative thoughts out of your mind. If you speak a negative word on day 3 start over.
Work this for seven straight days in a row.
You will be amazed with your results!!
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