Don’t Let Negative Thoughts Influence You

Don’t Let Negative Thoughts Influence You

We have all heard how think positive and your life will be better, yet we still let negative thoughts enter our minds through out the day. We all know not to fall into bad habits which pull us away from our destiny. The voice in our heads is always speaking whether we realize it or not. Why do we avoid actions which move us ahead in life at the same find time to spend on non essential actions, or negative behavior, bad habits or non successful things we know won’t help us improve. That voice inside that says, you don’t need to read that book tonight you worked hard all day you deserve to sit in front of the T.V. and relax tomorrow is another day.

Truth is we’ve all experienced this issue at some point in our lives. That inner voice just won’t go away, in fact as years go on it becomes a dominate force in our thought pattern. If not addressed over time breaking bad habits becomes difficult. Instead of saying when you’re going to do a task you say I’ll get to it later, which we all know never comes.

There is however a solution to quieting those voices, we must first slow down  and listen to the faint voice of success which resides in us all, although with any new challenge there is always a learning curve. As a weight lifter gains strength each time they work out our ability to develop a strong sense of positive thought is developed the more we listen. It has been said the voice of success is within us all however in today’s world there so many outside influences distracting us from even a thought!

Turn on the news, computer, social media or just listen to people in a crowd, negative language is all around us no matter where we go or who we are near seems like we can’t get away from it right? Well…That’s not exactly true, for each person who is using negative language there’s someone who is using positive words – Remember no matter what you focus on is what you’ll find so be care full what you do. Bad language is everywhere but so is the good, it’s a matter of conditioning ourselves to focus on the greater good. Ever notice when we focus on the bad how we tend to have a bad day? mistakes which we normally don’t make show up!

The voice of negative thoughts gains strength whenever we allow it to dominate our thoughts, you can block them out or change your focus each time they show up. Become the gate keeper of your mind when a negative though appears replace it with a positive one!

Just as negative thoughts dominate positive thoughts can also dominate. Instead of coming home from work hitting the couch and turning on the T.V. to relax, instead pick up a book and read, feed your mind with  useful information instead of just noise. Successful people have good habits which leaves clues. If we desire to be like the one percent of the world we must decide to not do the behaviors the 99 percent engages in. It’s not easy to change however to become better we must take steps each day to better our selves. This begins in our minds as well as in the words we use. If our thought pattern is one way but our language is another, the outcome will be mixed at best.

There is no way to totally eliminate those negative voices but we can keep them at bay by being aware they are there and understanding how negative voices influence our minds.

Begin today by thinking good thoughts…Before you know it life will be much easier and you’ll have a better attitude towards life!

~Stay Strong~


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