Decisions Become Easier With Clear Values

Decisions Become Easier With Clear Values

Every day we need to make decisions, sometimes good sometimes bad. Needless to say it’s never good to second guess what the final call we make ends up becoming in reality. We just do it. Yet whenever a bad decision has been made, we never question why do we continue to follow the wrong path over and over again?


Like walking on a treadmill, doing the same thing over and over again. Some would say it’s a matter of self control. But is it really a matter of self-control? Are we going to believe each decision is the right one every time one is made? truth is each one of us is quite different, what we desire and what we place value on.


Personal values influence our decisions, whether its to avoid pain or to gain pleasure. That decision is linked to our personal values related to that which we seek!  Self-control can be limited to the individuals perception of what they deem is possible, and often times will not be a guiding force during times of uncertainty.


What you believe and the standards you hold yourself accountable determines the decisions we make, in turn becomes future reality. Think about it, whats the difference between a athlete who wins a gold metal and one who does not? Both train for years, eat the same food, get the same rest, yet there is only winner, could it be one monitored what they were eating a little  closer? or slept an additional hour each day? truth is everyone is different, the level of standards we set determine how successful we become. If that gold metal athlete never sought to be the best do you thing they would be?


In order for the losing athlete to be a contender for the gold they must set higher expectations for themselves to achieve. The challenge with most people today is they set their expectations to low, and get there! In order to be the best, first you must believe you are. This is the fuel for the future fire of success. That burning desire for more. It doesn’t matter what it is in life, making good decisions is easier once we raise the bar and believe we can.

Man running fast to jump over precipice between two mountains. Concepts of determination, business, challenge, success, risk etc.

During times when we might feel like not completing a task, a strong desire of self is needed to whether the storms life can present you. Knowing that no matter what you’ll keep moving forward and not dwelling on the past. Faith is a key element in decisions. Needless to say negative energy will only fuel more and more bad decisions.


Successful people use a bad decision or a failure to drive them to succeed. Looking at challenges as a way to “push”them through obstacles now matter what it takes. Someone who is on the other end of the spectrum may look at challenges as an obstacle and blame it on their ability to not have enough self-control to “handle” the situation.


Truth is if someone lacks the desire to see them self with a higher standard of life nothing will improve. Achievers realize in order for things to change you need to change. They set their sights on the next mountain to climb, when they get to the top they look for the next one to climb. By raising your current standard of self, life will become bigger and exciting, new challenges become easier to overcome, bad decisions begin to fade away, and new doors open to expose you to a life of limitless happiness and fulfillment.


Our internal blueprint is different for each of us, what might be good for one may not work for someone else. However did you ever consider the people you spend the most time with tend to “rub” off on our current standard we hold ourselves to. A little of everyone we like as well as those who we don’t like influence each decision that is made.


This week think about the decision you currently make, if the people you spend the most time with were not there would you make the same decision? Did you base a decision your standards or those in your current circle of influence? If where you are is not where you want to be you change your direction by evaluating what is working an what is not working, keep that which works and get rid of that which does not!

~Stay Strong~


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