by | Aug 12, 2017 | Mindset
It’s been said the past doesn’t equal the future. Well, for some the past offers a feeling of comfort which when you get right down to it, living in the past can hold you back from going forward. Personal growth is accomplished when we let go of old and embrace the new. Yet for some it is much more difficult to let go of difficult memories. Sometimes we tend to hang onto old memories as it offers us a feeling of comfort to know what to expect. In our core we link our emotions to the information at the time of an event. I can remember the day when my dad had a stroke, the day, month, year and the time I received a call from my wife. I was helping a friend at the time, standing in front of his house. The weather was warm and sunny with little wind. However if I think about where I was two days earlier I can hardly remember where I was or what the weather was. This is because I had no emotional tie to what I was doing just a few days earlier. Each time I meet Dan at his house I look out and remember that day. Is this memory going to help me move forward? Can thinking about that day going to allow me to feel happy when I visit my friend? Can you think of a time in your life when an event happened and is holding you back from growing and going forward in life? In order to go forward the first question we must ask...
by | Jul 10, 2017 | Mindset
Have you ever wondered what makes one person take action and another to procrastinate? Is it experience? Training? Or do they have a gift? Seems like a complicated answer, however when you break it down the truth is a matter of whether you have a strong belief the action taken will lead to the desired result. For most people action is only a reality when a result is a certainty, which most of the time can lead to…Just thinking about what to do. A thought of doubt is present, however all is required is a little faith to see action through. The maybe voices begin to circle around your mind over and over again leading to a less than perfect effort. Our heart and soul is missing and so is our ability to focus energy in areas needing attention. The key is to see that which you wish to accomplish already complete in your mind. Regardless of what is happening in the external world and detaching from results. Visualization is a powerful tool in developing a strong belief system. Create as many details of what you wish to complete as feasible. This is one step most people overlook, It’s not talked about much within the masses. When I was in high school I played many sports, in winter it was hockey, spring is when track and field would begin, summer was baseball. Of all the sports I always looked forward to track and field. Our coach was amazing, he would always encourage us to push harder. I was not that good at long distance runs, the 100 yard dash...
by | Apr 22, 2017 | Mindset
It doesn’t matter which language you speak, words are one way we communicate our individual, thoughts, emotions, ideas as well as frustrations to get our point across or to get our way. No two people choose words the same way, there’s different meaning, or intention related to a persons state of mind when words are spoken. With 500,000 words available within the English language you’d think the average persons vocabulary would utilize a good portion of words right? However did you know most peoples “working vocabulary” consists of 2000? What’s even more shocking is the average amount of frequently used words is between 200-300! Think about how many words you use during the day keep track, you’d be amazed how many words we actually speak each day. Today we’re all trying to get more done in less time, which is why for the most part people don’t focus on the size of their vocabulary they understand but the words they frequently use. Each one of tends to choose words which have may have a meaning that relates to a past experience. The result can be the same words being used over and over again. Words we choose each day become our reality, they can express our emotions good or bad. Unconsciously we choose a word which expresses our emotion, this can have an effect on our internal biochemical response to that particular word. For example if when you become frustrated you say “I’m pissed off” you will only become increasingly more angry, if instead you replace a few words and say ‘I’m a bit peeved you’d have a different...
by | Mar 18, 2017 | Mindset
Every day we need to make decisions, sometimes good sometimes bad. Needless to say it’s never good to second guess what the final call we make ends up becoming in reality. We just do it. Yet whenever a bad decision has been made, we never question why do we continue to follow the wrong path over and over again? Like walking on a treadmill, doing the same thing over and over again. Some would say it’s a matter of self control. But is it really a matter of self-control? Are we going to believe each decision is the right one every time one is made? truth is each one of us is quite different, what we desire and what we place value on. Personal values influence our decisions, whether its to avoid pain or to gain pleasure. That decision is linked to our personal values related to that which we seek! Self-control can be limited to the individuals perception of what they deem is possible, and often times will not be a guiding force during times of uncertainty. What you believe and the standards you hold yourself accountable determines the decisions we make, in turn becomes future reality. Think about it, whats the difference between a athlete who wins a gold metal and one who does not? Both train for years, eat the same food, get the same rest, yet there is only winner, could it be one monitored what they were eating a little closer? or slept an additional hour each day? truth is everyone is different, the level of standards we set determine how successful we become....
by | Jan 27, 2017 | Mindset
We’ve all had problems throughout our lives, it’s inevitable, over the years they come and go but…Do they really go away?? Every once in a while a problem just seems to stick around, sound familiar? Challenge is can manifest into many different ways. Sometimes we tend to make problems much worse than they really are, we think about them over and over again day after day which leads to an endless and negative view of the issue and can last for years if you let it. Problems can turn destructive-personal relationships-work-or your overall quality of life! If left unchecked they can lead to anger as well as self-destructive behavior or even depression. But sometimes we think of our problems are “out of our control” some outside force is causing us to suffer…When in reality…If we were to change the way we think the issue would be resolved. Have you ever known someone who is always complaining about their job? Dislikes the boss or people who work there. It’s always someone else who is causing the problem. They frequently change companies seem happy for a few months, and before long tend to be in the same position even at their new place of employment! At some point there is a connection between which company they choose and their internal problems….Perhaps another way to look at this situation is…Everything happens for a reason and a purpose and it serves you. There is a lesson to be learned here, however failure to recognize this will only lead a prolong period time of frustration. It’s always easier to put the blame on on...
by | Jul 29, 2016 | Mindset
Imagine what your life would be like if you were able to keep your fears from holding you back?? What would you do? The challenge for most people is the risk of feeling like a failure keep some people from achieving their greatness within. It is human nature to leave a way out if we are confronted with something that makes us feel uncomfortable. During the last financial crisis millions of people in America were loosing money in the markets, some peoples 401k’s lost 40-50 percent of their value, folks on a fixed income were now faced with going back to work just to get by…If you turned on the news the topic of each broadcast was negative information…People were told to sell before they lost all their savings which made more people be fearful of what was going to happen next! Some of the most successful people on the planet made millions during times of despair. Sir John Templeton the greatest investor of the 20th century started from very humble beginnings living in a small town in Tennessee. He worked hard and found himself on wall street during the 1937 depression. He always believed in buying shares at “the point of maximum pessimism.” Whereas most people were fearful John thought it was the time to invest. When people thought this is the greatest time in history-John sold shares. In 1939 John implemented his theory, investing $100 in every stock valued at $1.00 or less on the New York Stock Exchanges. That one portfolio became the basis of his empire. Truth is we are all faced with challenges every...
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