Can Social Media Hurt You?

Can Social Media Hurt You?

Not that long ago communication was accomplished by a letter, phone call or direct contact. Today with the development of social media we now have the ability to have a live feed from the internet on the latest communication from friends, family, coworkers, and even the President. Over the past decade the way we communicate with each other has been influenced by, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Snapchat etc.


If you were to ask, most people would say they have their social media life “under control” yet when you look at the collective society social media dominates their lives. Think of the last day you didn’t check the phone for the latest post, feed, or tweet? We’ve become addicted to information which in many way has helped us grow as a society. Families can see pictures of loved ones from around the world. You can make a video and send it to a friend or Tweet a good word for the day.


However with all the good which has come out of social media, there are some things to be aware of. There have been situations when a job opportunity may have been impacted by what an individual posts, some companies now look at what you like and post on social media as part of the hiring process. Identities have been stolen, cyber bulling is now part of what can happen if your not careful what you post and share.


There have been stories of homes which have been broken into due to the location of the owner during last post. However with anything in life you must always be aware. Technology is amazing and never ending, but with that we must take measures to protect ourselves as well as our families. Never tell anyone when your leaving your home, the as stated above there is always someone looking for an easy target for a break in. Never accept a friend request from a person you do not know, if there is bad language showing up on you feed, unfriend that person.


In public more and more people are attached to social media like a dog with a bone. Today I was at the store running errands when I noticed a guy on his phone walking right into on coming traffic! I shouted to him to watch out, he looked up just in time, that was a very close call he almost got hit by a car. I asked him what was so important, I was just posting on Facebook my location…Yikes…It’s not likely he will do that again, however how many people do the same thing while driving? Scary thought, the world has changed but we must keep a lid on how much time and when we are on social media. There is a time and a place for everything.


It’s a bit of a shame we sometimes define ourselves by the amount of likes, posts, tweets, and videos. Although social media has allowed for quicker communication…When was the last time you sat down and wrote a letter? Remember that old fashion pen and paper? Call me old school nothing can replace a hand written letter. What about a post card with a heart-felt message, or a birthday card to a loved one? Or meeting a friend in person to just sit down and have a face to face conversation.


Social Media has elevated us as a society, however we must never forget who we are as individuals. Think before you post, is the information you are sending into the world going to be viewed as good or bad? Can this post encourage others? Can this post help someone live a healthier life?



We must not forget to balance life between old and new. Before you click, tap or scroll, hit the phone app and call and meet up with friend or loved one. Create an “offline” moment. You’ll be surprised how amazing it can be!

~Stay Strong~


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