Change your Seasons Change your Life

Change your Seasons Change your Life

Here in New England we have begun to enter the fall season, Labor day has come and gone, we can use this holiday to finish up an amazing summer of outside activities including swimming, boating, hiking, fishing, biking and many more fun things to due during the summer, although these activities are not completely over, however this time of year the weather changes very rapidly, for most of us vacations are over and it’s back to work doing what we do best. On Saturday I met a friend of mine on the road to a favorite lake we sometimes hang out at, he had his boat on the trailer and was putting it away for the winter! Imagine, second day of September and the boat is out for the next 8 months. When I asked why he removed so soon his answer was…Steve, in the past we’d leave the boat in the water for a few weeks after labor day with the intent of utilizing it a few more times, however that never happens and it only gets harder as the weeks go on, days get colder and days are much shorter, so labor day is the day it comes out…Besides we need to winterize it and get ready for the long cold winter. Life is that way also, change of seasons and patterns, it’s constantly pushing us or pulling us. the only constant in life is change. Our ability to recognize these patterns determines our quality of life. We can’t stop or control the change of seasons however we can stop the patterns in our lives. In winter...
How Negative Influences Can Impact Your Success

How Negative Influences Can Impact Your Success

One major influence in our lives is the people we spend the most time with, although not intentional, they play a part in shaping our personality. If we spend time with people who look at life as half empty chances are we’ll look at life the same way, they might not have any money, chances are they spend more than they make, before long we’ll be spending more than we make, or what if they don’t have hobbies…Do you think we will have hobbies? Chances are right now you and I are being influenced by people in our lives. Over time we adopt their habits, if they read books we read book, if they don’t read we don’t read. We must become self reliant. Develop a sense of drive, and independence. If we let those influences into our lives we could become misguided and not find our way to the success we desire. When we were kids our parents would keep an eye on our friends, if they felt they weren’t right for us they told us to stay away. Same is true as adults, we must constantly be aware of the people we let into our lives, ask yourself is this person helping me or hurting me? If their ideals are not the same as yours chances are they could send you in another direction which is a place we don’t want to be. It can be a challenge leaving people behind, however if we continue with the wrong people in our circle of influence the outcome will be in favor of another persons plan. We should carefully...
Key Elements of Healthy Relationships

Key Elements of Healthy Relationships

True happiness is is living a fulfilled life, yet many miss out on relationships which are taken for granted. This can lead to separation causing unimaginable pain. We all desire to be happy and live with the person we chose to spend the rest of out lives with. All to often though relationships end for no apparent reason, although some people do grow apart as they age, it should be noted we can also grow closer as the years go on. Today it seems like there are more and more folks splitting up, could be the loss of a job, an affair, money issues, nevertheless every where you look these days people are struggling to stay together. Some would say the economy is impacting peoples ability to cope with changing times, others would state it costs more to live which puts stress on families. All valid points, however if we get back to the basics of our relationships we’d have a better chance of success. I can remember a time when people stayed together, worked it out, and moved on. No doubt the world has changed, yet it’s the same. If you and I are going to live a fulfilled life we must understand what elements of healthy relationships to focus on each day. Why not stack the odds in our favor instead of the other way around? Key elements of a healthy relationship begin with love, we’ve all been in love, however the first person we must love is ourselves, in order for us to give love we must begin with how we see as well as the...
How Self-Improvement Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give

How Self-Improvement Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give

From time to time I’m asked a question which the answer might surprise you. How can you help someone become better? Improve skills and be the very best they can be? Could it be training? Read more books? Take online classes on improvement? No question self development is a great way to improve ones skills. However If you’re looking to help a person succeed you might consider working on your own self development first. Think about  how valuable you’ll become once your skills improve. Imagine if your skills become 10 times better than they are now! Would your ability to lead by example help someone? You’ve been there and done that. A much easier model then just telling a person how to become successful. Have you ever been on a plane and noticed the instruction about the oxygen masks? It doesn’t say to help the person next to you firs, it states to put yours on first. How can you help a person if your not able to breathe? Same is true in real life, we must help ourselves improve before we begin to help another. In sports a valuable coach is one whom has been on the field playing the sport. In life same is true, a good doctor has made many diagnoses, an experienced sales person has been around the block sort of speak and has the ability to sell. An experienced person within their field is an asset to any company. In some sense I wish parents would take that same advice. You hear story after story of parents helping out their kid so they can...
The Opportunity For Success Is Attracted

The Opportunity For Success Is Attracted

Today at the gym a person I’d never met asked me a question? Why is it the people who don’t look for opportunities get them handed to them? I paused and didn’t say a word, have to admit I was totally caught off guard. What I was missing was a guy at the other end of the facility was talking to a man in a suit. Looked like he’d singled out this person and was offering him something. When I’m working out my headphones are on and the music is playing, so I miss out on many conversations, I like to concentrate on my routine and not get caught up in distractions. The guy why asked me the question was just amazed by what just happened. Although strange, opportunities are all around us each day if we look hard enough. His question was real, but he missed the first part of why this man began offering this guy in the gym an opportunity. It’s no secret hard work pays off in the long run, keep your head down and focus at the task at hand, opportunities will come right? Well, that’s not always the case. Truth is you can chase opportunities and never find success. However if what you do creates value, you’ll attract opportunity. After observing what went on in the gym, I thought what was it which made this man to come to the gym late in the day and make an offer to this man. What did he do? As it turns out this guy was a licensed electrician and the owner of the gym was...