by | Sep 9, 2016 | Personal Growth
It has been an amazing summer here in Maine, a bit on the dry side but nonetheless the best three months we’ve had in years. Not one rainy weekend all summer. My wife and I spend the long labor day weekend with friends enjoying cook outs and of course…Lobstah, steamers, and freshly picked sweet corn on the cob. Did I mention the butter?? The first party was on Saturday late afternoon with approximately 15-20 people in attendance. Sunday it was an early cook out with 20-30 people in attendance, there was no shortage of food, later Sunday night an amazing fireworks display and, yet…More food!! With that many people I couldn’t help notice the diversity of people, some with little money, others very well off. Some happy some not happy. Whenever I’m in a crowd of people I like to take the time and talk to as many people as I can to learn more about them. I learned a long time ago, it’s easier to gain peoples respect if you authentically interested in hearing what they have to say-people love to talk about themselves. The first person I talked to was retired and happy to be living life on his terms, with a life of hard work now behind him and many years of retirement ahead of him he was relaxed and content. He told me that looking back on his life he wished that he could have worked a less physical job, with less hours, he said Steve I always ended up doing all the work and was the first person that they asked to work...
by | Sep 2, 2016 | Personal Growth
It has been said, if you’re not growing you’re dying. As we continue on this journey called life, our soul longs for growth, some people never expose their full potential, which is why we are here…To discover that unique part of us that makes us whole for which we were created. This doesn’t require massive change-most of us already integrate it into our daily routines. Think about how you integrate growth in your life. This can be as simple as the following: Do you read books, go to lectures, listen to inspirational speeches, learn a new language or, put yourself in a position to grow and expand on you’re skills? No matter which one you choose, with daily action you will begin to grow. Deep inside us all there is a desire to embrace our destiny. The more we begin to grow the more we desire to uncover the mystery of our existence, we therefore become addicted to personal growth. For some people this can lead to a fearful experience into the unknown. Your faith in yourself is the key to unlocking your potential, you must never give up no matter what, you have greatness within you. A mountain climber was on a steep mountain side, he had been hiking for days and became tired and weak, just as he was settling down for the night to rest, he slipped down the mountain and began to grasp anything in his sight to stop tumbling down the mountain, just as he was going over the edge to below, he felt a branch at his hand, with all his might...
by | Aug 26, 2016 | Life
We have all heard and read about people who have been on top of the world living a life style you can imagine in your dreams, yet seems like overnight they are completely broke. There are so many stories of amazing people who were “set for life” one day and living in the streets weeks later. Some get discouraged and give up never to regain their wealth, but some get back on their feet and become even more wealthy. How is that possible? Did they have better luck? Did someone give them money? Truth is, there is something within all of us that keeps us from living up to our full potential. Yes, fear is always available for us to focus on. Loosing it all can keep you living in fear and not finding that inner strength, that true spirit we are all born with. When was the last time you sat quiet for 10 minutes without listen to music or looking at your cell phone? There is a higher level of consciousness that can be obtained with just a few minutes of peace each day. Often times when we loose something there is always something we receive in return. The trouble is we let our humanness get in the way to receive! Unfortunately, it takes a major loss or tragedy for most people to become motivated to change, however it doesn’t have to be that way you have the ability to change your circumstances, just by releasing the real you…your true authentic self ! We can’t control when bad things happen but we can change the meaning. When...
by | Aug 19, 2016 | Leadership
Most people remember the movie Rocky. The move as well as the sequels were huge box office successes. Starting out with nothing in but the desire to win. With little experience Rocky overcame many challenges to become the heavyweight champion. He had something unique within, he had a big heart, and the persistence required to be successful. Remember how many times he got hit and how beat up he looked!! The first time I watched the movie I thought to myself, don’t give up you can do it. I’ll never forget how I felt when the movie was over, it was like an amazing force touched my heart. I began to think about all the possibilities in my own life. I thought to myself, Rocky had nothing but a burning desire, he didn’t care what other people thought, he just went out there and gave it his all. I can be just like him! Rocky was a true underdog champion. Can you remember the last time you had that feeling? Did you know you are an underdog champion? Each time we see someone overcoming challenges, the underdog inside each of us awakens. We begin to see ourselves as that person, we don’t think about failure that’s not an option. So how do we awaken the underdog within? Truth is the fact you can identify with it, that greatness already exists in you…It’s in our DNA. Our subconscious mind does not know the difference between a thought or reality. If want to awaken the underdog within, you must first monitor what you are feeding your mind. There is an old...
by | Aug 12, 2016 | Life
When you were younger did your parents ever ask you who your friends were? At the time we might have thought they were just trying to tell you who you should hang around with. Truth is it didn’t matter to us who our friends were our friends and we enjoyed playing and having fun, little did we know the importance of what our parents were trying to actually tell us… We tend to hang around people which have the same interests as we do. Watching the same television shows or movies. Eat same foods. Dress in the same style clothes. Have similar habits. We like people that are like us! When my son was younger his friends would hang out at our house, we were the community hang out for the kids. They all got along and did the things you would expect kids to do living in the country. Riding and fixing bikes. ( who could ride on one wheel the longest) Listening to music. Talking on the phone. Exploring in the woods. Gathering and splitting fire wood. Always looking for that next adventure. You never quite knew what they were going to do next! As the years went by one of my sons friends stopped hanging around our house, I asked him where he was… “He is in with the wrong crowd dad I don’t want to be around those kind of people” The old story good kid hanging with the wrong crowd. Today that same principle applies to us all, however we are much more aware of the company we keep,...
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