by | Jun 16, 2017 | Business
In today’s world advertising has become more complex, with the development of internet tools we are now able to send hundreds of emails a day. In some cases the ability of sending thousands of emails a day now exists. There are a number of services which provide a platform to send out an email blast to potential prospects. It is inexpensive and effective if done properly. You can customize an email and hit send and information for a service or product is in a prospects in box. Technology is moving at an alarming rate, so much so one can hardly keep track of new innovations. It has been said email is one way to increase retention of clients. However for the majority of clients most wish to be recognized as an individuals. This means careful attention to detail must be closely monitored, people can become overwhelmed with “too much information” and opt out of your list. The key to a successful email marketing campaign is providing value to your clients. Knowing what their needs are then providing a fit for what they need. There is nothing wrong with sending out a email blast of information to the people on your list as long as the information you are sending is serving a need. It comes down to not how many emails are sent but the quality of information provided. For the most part people like emails once a week, that doesn’t mean you should not send emails once a day, simply put the conversation rate increases when you don’t flood an inbox with worthless information. Keep it simple get...
by | Jun 9, 2017 | Leadership
In today’s world when a job is done correctly within a reasonable amount of time, you’d think a pat on the back might be in order…Right? Seems like a simple answer to a simple question! The answer might surprise you, for most of hard working people in the work force today a simple “good job” is far and few between, margins are tight and most people in management just want to get the job done (not all companies are that way) and get onto the next task. Truth is a few encouraging words are very helpful keeping employees with a positive attitude as well as focus on their work, improving and move forward. Success in business is a challenge in the marketplace, rising costs and increasing competition is always knocking on the door step of most business today. Yet a few simple steps to recognize when a person has performed above and beyond the call of duty can send a message which can pay dividends in future performance. Communication is the key to any successful business especially when it comes to employees. Some would argue that companies just don’t listen to what they say or do not even care. But does it really matter? If you never got that pat on the back would you stop doing your job? Seeking approval for a job well done comes from and external frame of mind thinking, however some people don’t need approval if a job goes well they just know they did their best! Imagine you build houses for an architect, his design is well thought out with all the details...
by | Jun 3, 2017 | Happiness
Happiness is a choice…Right? Although some people would disagree with that statement, most of us know the truth. Happiness is a state f mind, whether your rich or poor it doesn’t matter being happy is where your thoughts spend the most time during the day. If money is where happiness is found then most are truly missing out on the truth. It’s been said money can’t buy you happiness, however without it life would be a challenge as well as your ability to buy goods from the local merchant would be a distant memory. You don’t have to look very far these days to see what having a little money can do to a persons happiness. Famous actors, athletes, business professionals etc…etc… If you and I are going to live a life of mastery than we must first understand what it means to be truly happy and fulfilled, it is different for everyone. Second it just getting thing will never make you happy. True happiness is found when a task is completed and a feeling of accomplishment has been achieved. Happiness is defined as: Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Happy mental states may also reflect judgements by a person about their overall well-being. Truth is just “feeling good” is not happiness. If it were than people who use drugs or alcohol would always be happy…Right?? If you’d ask most people what makes their lives truly happy you might be surprised…A meaning full relationship or doing something that leaves...
by | May 27, 2017 | Life
The world is full of beauty, amazing sunsets, mountains filled with flowers reaching up to the sky, the sound of oceans crashing on a shoreline can leave you speechless. Yet among all the glory and beauty in the world there are those people who spend their time looking for what’s wrong with the world instead of what’s right. However we should never turn our head on real life issues and walk away from issues which need to be addressed. With all the uncertainty and negative issues we are faced with in the world today it’s a challenge to keep a positive attitude and move forward with the greater good. At times it can get discouraging and seem like you’re the only one who is working to make a difference, yet deep down in your soul you know there’s something you can do to give back to the world, but what can you do? people all around you seem like they don’t care so why should you? right? That couldn’t be further from the truth. I believe people are basically good and do want to make a difference and give back to society. Truth is most people don’t know what to do as well as fear they will be looked at or laughed at! The universe gives what it gets. Meaning if you send out good the universe will send back the same. No action is wasted. Conversely if you send out bad energy the universe sends it back also. Like a drop of water which sends ripples through out. It starts out small but as time goes on it...
by | May 20, 2017 | Success
No matter what part of the world you live in or which culture you’re raised in, we all have a common view about success. The more material things you have the more you’d look like a success in the eyes of others, right? Most people would agree that as long as you had plenty of money you would be considered a success, however one challenge with that is what if a person wins the lottery and suddenly there was more money than you could spend? would you consider that person a success just because they had plenty of cash? Hard to disagree when there is an abundance of money life becomes easier and less stressful. Yet if that were true why is it when someone wins the lottery or finds out they were left a large sum of money become unhappy and before long find there not living the life as they anticipated. Material things become no longer a way to find happiness, some become unhappy and turn to negative behaviors to satisfy the desire for more. This is a dark road to travel down, always looking for that next great thing to satisfy a need to feel good. There’s nothing wrong with not being satisfied and a desire for more, the challenge is the idea that just getting that next widget will make you “feel better” becomes a shallow view of what an individual is capable of achieving. There is greatness deep within us all, a part of us just waiting to be unleashed, society has lead us to believe as long as you get-more-stuff…Hey you’ll look...
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