The Secret Of Words And Emotion

The Secret Of Words And Emotion

What is the secret of words and emotion? Is it limited to the English language? French? Spanish? or another language which utilize words with different meanings? The question is what drives language. Words do have different meaning however when combined with emotions such as hate, love, anger are all part of emotions. When fueled with emotion issues become created or solved.

Today language around the world is different in how they are spoken as well as how they are interpreted, yet with all language spoken on a different platform, the meanings behind the words is the same. If we were to go to china and listen to how people communicate most of would not understand a word of what they were saying. But if we observe their emotions you’d understand when someone was angry or happy. Even in other languages each emotion is different with each word they choose. We sometimes don’t realize when we speak the words we utilize have completely different meanings yet we speak them in the same sentence.

Have you ever told someone you loved them but also told them I hate you have to go to work at that job? Two completely different words with completely different meanings yet we say them frequently!

The challenge is the combination of words and emotion has an effect on the point we are attempting to get across to a person, if we power a word with too much emotion the point is over done, or we don’t attach enough emotion to a word our outcome could not be what we expect. Leaders know when speaking in front of an audience hoe important it is to create a balance between words and emotions, to much emphasis on an emotion can hit people hard, or not enough could have the opposite effect. We must realize when we use words to keep a balance between what we say and how we feel.

Well balance emotions will allow you to to not over state your point. We’ve all experienced frustration when telling someone to do something we want them to do, only to be disappointed when what we ask them to do doesn’t get completed! Next we repeat it again only a bit louder and with more frustration and anger. When we look back, by raising our voice did our point get across? Did the task get completed? Did that person feel good about how we spoke to them? Would you like someone to speak to you that way…I think we all know the answer to that question.

Words also loose effectiveness when they are utilized in a different tone of voice, be aware of the tone of your voice it does matter.

Good and bad experiences play a part in our emotional language, you may of experienced success in life and be excited about what you’ve accomplished, or experienced failures which caused you grief, each of us has experienced different things throughout life. These experiences come out in our language whenever a reminder of the pas shows up. Our reaction to an issue becomes enhanced when speaking to another person. Their interpretation can be influenced by the tone of our voice.

Our world is changed, language used today is fueled with emotions, some good some bad. Access to social media has allowed people around the world to post emotionally driven content which is a driving force behind our place in society today.

We must create a balance between words and emotions, speaking to family and friends should be calm and respectful. However keep those emotions at hand never too deep and not out of reach. Keep your language mixed but filled with positive emotions!

~Stay Strong~


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