Key Elements of Healthy Relationships

Key Elements of Healthy Relationships

True happiness is is living a fulfilled life, yet many miss out on relationships which are taken for granted. This can lead to separation causing unimaginable pain. We all desire to be happy and live with the person we chose to spend the rest of out lives with. All to often though relationships end for no apparent reason, although some people do grow apart as they age, it should be noted we can also grow closer as the years go on.

Today it seems like there are more and more folks splitting up, could be the loss of a job, an affair, money issues, nevertheless every where you look these days people are struggling to stay together. Some would say the economy is impacting peoples ability to cope with changing times, others would state it costs more to live which puts stress on families. All valid points, however if we get back to the basics of our relationships we’d have a better chance of success.

I can remember a time when people stayed together, worked it out, and moved on. No doubt the world has changed, yet it’s the same. If you and I are going to live a fulfilled life we must understand what elements of healthy relationships to focus on each day. Why not stack the odds in our favor instead of the other way around?

Key elements of a healthy relationship begin with love, we’ve all been in love, however the first person we must love is ourselves, in order for us to give love we must begin with how we see as well as the language we use when in private. Love can be thought as a universal language no matter how or where a person is from, we must love everyone. Even if you don’t like them based on a feeling, we must treat them with respect, this is the foundation for healthy relationships.

Always have a giving heart, when you serve the greater good the universe gives you more than you need. Being service to others is not limited to family and friends, it means to serve everyone including yourself!

My wife and I have been together for many years, we can tell you communication is an element lacking in most relationships today, we tend to pay more attention to our phones then sit and talk. We’re all busy, but make time each day to just sit and talk, remove all electronic distractions.

Be kind to everyone. Society at times is harsh and creates and environment for people to be angry and unhappy, no one likes to be around someone who always has a dark cloud over their head. Lasting relationships are developed when you are honest and kind to all.

Today our society is an instant gratification world. We wand it not and don’t want to wait. Patience seems to be disappearing, no one is perfect we all make mistakes. People who have been married for a number of years have much more resolve understanding patience. This is one area we all should focus on.

If your a business owner you understand the importance of repeat customers. Your service or product serves their needs which creates an environment of loyal customers, however in the business world it is harder and harder to have loyal clients. If they find a better or cheaper deal they go for it!  Today that mentality has spilled over into personal relationships as well. to take you’re personal relationships to a deeper level we must commit to being loyal, this will keep your relationships on a forward track.

Lastly always have fun, remember when we were kids and we couldn’t wait fro school to get out so we could go outside and play? We must keep that mentality in our relationships, look for ways to keep your partner happy and always ask them if they are having a good time.

Treat people how you wish to be treated and your life will always be filled with many wonderful relationships!

~Stay Strong~


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