How Negative Influences Can Impact Your Success

How Negative Influences Can Impact Your Success

One major influence in our lives is the people we spend the most time with, although not intentional, they play a part in shaping our personality. If we spend time with people who look at life as half empty chances are we’ll look at life the same way, they might not have any money, chances are they spend more than they make, before long we’ll be spending more than we make, or what if they don’t have hobbies…Do you think we will have hobbies?

Chances are right now you and I are being influenced by people in our lives. Over time we adopt their habits, if they read books we read book, if they don’t read we don’t read. We must become self reliant. Develop a sense of drive, and independence. If we let those influences into our lives we could become misguided and not find our way to the success we desire.

When we were kids our parents would keep an eye on our friends, if they felt they weren’t right for us they told us to stay away. Same is true as adults, we must constantly be aware of the people we let into our lives, ask yourself is this person helping me or hurting me? If their ideals are not the same as yours chances are they could send you in another direction which is a place we don’t want to be. It can be a challenge leaving people behind, however if we continue with the wrong people in our circle of influence the outcome will be in favor of another persons plan.

We should carefully evaluate our circle, that does not mean all the people in our lives have the wrong intentions, all it means is be clear on who and what we’re spending time with. Not all our circle in a bad fit, we should raise our awareness and be ready to move on from those we don’t see eye to eye with.

It’s not easy to disassociate with people we’ve know for years, but we do need to make choices. Evaluate your values and goals. Begin to focus on people who have been successful, spend more time with them and less with those who are holding you back. Always ask them what you can do to help them, for you and I to get something we must first give, offer to take them to lunch to a place of their choosing. Be sure to pay for their meal.

We should expand our circle of influence, we become the average of the people we spend the most time with, finding those people who lift up our standards will in the long run help us to grow not only in business but in all areas of life. Success breads success, when we succeed the people around us succeed, rising tide raises all ships! Your personal growth expands so does your opportunities. There will always be negative people who will try to bring you down, don’t get caught up in the drama. Look for those successful people who have had success in a similar field, model their success.

Be aware of those who don’t speak the truth, honesty is the best policy, stay away from people who lie. Our word is our bond, it’s how people will judge us in the future. Even if the news is not what we want to hear, it is important to look at each side of our strengths and weaknesses, this is how we grow and develop new skills,

Take time and select the right people to be in your circle of influence. Some people don’t care about who they hang with as well as what they focus on, so carefully evaluate each person.

Remember negative influences can impact your success!

~Stay Strong~


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