The Opportunity For Success Is Attracted

The Opportunity For Success Is Attracted

Today at the gym a person I’d never met asked me a question? Why is it the people who don’t look for opportunities get them handed to them? I paused and didn’t say a word, have to admit I was totally caught off guard. What I was missing was a guy at the other end of the facility was talking to a man in a suit. Looked like he’d singled out this person and was offering him something. When I’m working out my headphones are on and the music is playing, so I miss out on many conversations, I like to concentrate on my routine and not get caught up in distractions.

The guy why asked me the question was just amazed by what just happened. Although strange, opportunities are all around us each day if we look hard enough. His question was real, but he missed the first part of why this man began offering this guy in the gym an opportunity.

It’s no secret hard work pays off in the long run, keep your head down and focus at the task at hand, opportunities will come right? Well, that’s not always the case. Truth is you can chase opportunities and never find success. However if what you do creates value, you’ll attract opportunity.

After observing what went on in the gym, I thought what was it which made this man to come to the gym late in the day and make an offer to this man. What did he do? As it turns out this guy was a licensed electrician and the owner of the gym was looking for someone to rewire the gym. This guy parked his van just outside the door where the owner could see his vehicle with all the writing as well as license# and phone number. He’d been an electrician for 30 years. Because of what he had to offer the owner knew this guy was the best man for the job.

The owner was in the process of planning an addition to the building, this is a large project with many details. I learned later the owner had been looking at his company for a while now, did all his research and felt comfortable to talk with him.

I am a believer in developing your skills, doesn’t matter what field your in skills are important, they make you valuable, and you’ll attract opportunity instead of chasing it. Once you’ve refined your craft, become an expert and have a philosophy of success, people will notice you and want you to assist them on their journey.

Nevertheless, opportunity for success is attracted, over time as we define who we are and what our core beliefs are, we will become driven, self motivated as well as develop discipline. Over time you will develop your reputation as the expert in your field.

Be a positive speaker, not one of gloom and doom. Our language is how we project ourselves, so be careful with your words. Always keep a smile on hand, with all the issues in the world today it’s easy to get caught up in all the drama, it’s equally easy to have a smile. Keep opinions to yourself, don’t be too quick to judge, do your homework before passing judgment on someone.

Look for the good in everyone. Encourage people you come in contact with. Be passionate and compassionate, There’s always someone who needs a little help these days.

Lastly, never stop learning, become a student of personal development, look back on the week, think what you’ve accomplished and what you’ll do next week. Become a master at your craft, however always stay humble.

Just like the man in the gym with all those years of experience.

The opportunity for success is attracted

~Stay Strong~

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