Focus and Positive Energy

Focus and Positive Energy

If you and I are to live an extraordinary life we must first define what it is we want. In order to keep momentum going, first the vision to what we want should be clear. No distractions, focus on the goal, work everyday on the plan and don’t become attached to the outcome. With hard work the outcome is almost always the same. Each day focus is diverted to an outcome to which we need and want. But if we are not clear as to what we desire, results will be scattered at best.


In today’s world life revolves around the next post, tweet, or text. Information is now literally at our fingertips. You can instantly find what your looking for in seconds which is good for a resource, but can be harmful if not used properly. News updates, politicsĀ  any text written is available for review. There are endless videos to watch if your not able to have a minute to read. This is an amazing time to be alive technology is simply limitless right now.


Not that many years ago if we needed to learn about a subject matter we’d go to the library and find a book and read about that topic, take notes, with pen and paper…No such thing as spell check…Imagine no computer to type it on…Needless to say it would take hours to develop notes review and figure out answers to question we might have. Our lives have changed for the better some say, yet with our current resources you’d think we would have more time and less stress…Right!


Truth is there’s almost too much information at our disposal, this can influence our current state of mind. If we’re on Facebook scrolling through posts from friends one minute we could be reading about someone having a baby then the next minute there’s a post about a friends car that got hit at the supermarket and has major damage. Or a post about a family meal with loved ones all gathered around the table. Our mood is influenced by the information we allow into our minds.


What to focus on is a choice, we can choose to follow positive input or negative, however sometimes we tend to just follow our last thought.


The good news is we can take control of that which we focus on. No one can tell you what to focus on or where to send your focus. Most successful people pencil in time each day to just sit and think, no phone, no computer, no people, sit in a quiet place and focus on what they desire. For most of us this can be a challenge we have become so programed to check our phone or computer every few minutes. This time is an important element for our growth.


What we tend to focus on we tend to manifest in our real life. If we think about what we don’t have our subconscious mind looks for more of what we don’t have. Conversely if we focus on abundance and being grateful for what we do have, our subconscious looks for more things to be grateful for.


Next week take note begin each day with focusing on a time to be in a quiet place, sitting and focusing on all the things you are grateful for. Next focus on what you can do to help other people. When you give of yourself the universe gives back to you. Never expect to be rewarded just know when you serve the greater good your putting positive energy in the world.

Keep that positive thought flowing every day…You’ll be glad you did!

~Stay Strong~


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