Why Email Marketing Is A Must For Your Business

Why Email Marketing Is A Must For Your Business

In today’s world advertising has become more complex, with the development of internet tools we are now able to send hundreds of emails a day. In some cases the ability of sending thousands of emails a day now exists. There are a number of services which provide a platform to send out an email blast to potential prospects. It is inexpensive and effective if done properly. You can customize an email and hit send and information for a service or product is in a prospects in box.

Network cable, globe and group people on white background.

Technology is moving at an alarming rate, so much so one can hardly keep track of new innovations. It has been said email is one way to increase retention of clients. However for the majority of clients most wish to be recognized as an individuals. This means careful attention to detail must be closely monitored, people can become overwhelmed with “too much information” and opt out of your list.

Opt In And Out Keys Showing Decision To Subscribe; Shutterstock ID 108316337; Purchaser/Photo editor: marcia allert

The key to a successful email marketing campaign is providing value to your clients. Knowing what their needs are then providing a fit for what they need. There is nothing wrong with sending out a email blast of information to the people on your list as long as the information you are sending is serving a need.


It comes down to not how many emails are sent but the quality of information provided. For the most part people like emails once a week, that doesn’t mean you should not send emails once a day, simply put the conversation rate increases when you don’t flood an inbox with worthless information. Keep it simple get to know what your prospects need. If your not sure send a survey and ask the question. Chances are you’ll have a better conversion rate when you do.


When writing content keep it simple yet add an element of suspense. Keep prospects guessing, never tell them everything. Engage them with a video or recording. It’s important to know the best time to send your info, this is especially true when sending to another time zone. Once a prospect is on your list get to know them, surveys or giveaway’s are a great way to engage your clients. It may seem like a chore at first but once it’s done a more personalized campaign will be easier achievable.


Not all age groups are the same, stay with basic fundamentals , if you were meeting them in person how would you communicate with them? Gender should be considered, be mindful of the language you use when addressing a woman or man. Communication is a key element to the success of any business. Be timely in responses when asked a question.


Once a sale as been complete there is an opportunity to market new services and products with additional email campaigns which can compliment an existing product, or to send them specials on a reorder. By keeping the lines of communication open lasting relationships and repeat business will keep your business growing and thriving for years to come.

Welcome Back Doormat, with Clip Path. Isolated on White

Become interested instead of interesting…Connect with your clients on a regular basis, find out who they are as well as what their wants and needs are. Know their age gender and location. Understand what makes they happy and what their “hot buttons” are.


Technology is growing with each passing day. If utilized correctly there are no limits to the level of success a person can have, time can be leveraged  over and over again. Email allows you to be in the drivers seat to connect with people in a way which far exceeds conventional snail mail. Smart phones are now part of out daily lives, more and more people lean on them to access email and respond in seconds.


This week begin to develop your list of people you wish to connect with. separate age groups, gender as well as location. Write emails specific to those groups and set up campaigns. Answer questions as soon as received.

The internet offers an endless supply of people who are seeking your service or product.

~Stay Strong~


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