Success-The Journey not The Destination

Success-The Journey not The Destination

No matter what part of the world you live in or which culture you’re raised in, we all have a common view about success. The more material things you have the more you’d look like a success in the eyes of others, right? Most people would agree that as long as you had plenty of money you would be considered a success, however one challenge with that is what if a person wins the lottery and suddenly there was more money than you could spend? would you consider that person a success just because they had plenty of cash?


Hard to disagree when there is an abundance of money life becomes easier and less stressful. Yet if that were true why is it when someone wins the lottery or finds out they were left a large sum of money become unhappy and before long find there not living the life as they anticipated. Material things become no longer a way to find happiness, some become unhappy and turn to negative behaviors to satisfy the desire for more.



This is a dark road to travel down, always looking for that next great thing to satisfy a need to feel good. There’s nothing wrong with not being satisfied and a desire for more, the challenge is the idea that just getting that next widget will make you “feel better” becomes a shallow view of what an individual is capable of achieving. There is greatness deep within us all, a part of us just waiting to be unleashed, society has lead us to believe as long as you get-more-stuff…Hey you’ll look successful…


When you look around the world there is people living on less than two dollars a day living in straw huts with no running water yet they are among some of the happiest people you’d ever meet! I live in a part of the United States which is very diverse, some folks with money and some that do not. It’s interesting when you look around and see how money can affect people in many different ways. Over the years I’ve become humbled how amazing those with out money still strive to give their best no matter what!


We all have our own version of what success is. You could look at professional athletes and say they are a success or a person who is a millionaire and think they must know the way to success! Truth is success is a journey not a destination. It’s about setting a goal and giving your best every day no matter if you feel like it or not, pushing yourself when you wake up and you just don’t feel 100 percent, keep in mind if a goal is set and you don’t quite get there that does not mean your still not a success!


There was a man named Joe he set a goal to earn 60,000 within the next year, he knew to earn that much money he would need to work harder than he’d worked before, each day striving to be his best, being on time, not taking unscheduled days off and always doing a bit more than his co workers. However at the end of the year his income was increased to 58,000. That’s 2,000 per year less than Joe set out to earn, does that mean 58,000 instead of 60,000 makes Joe unsuccessful? If at the last minute his employer were to give Joe the 2,000 to get to 60,000 would he then be considered a success?

Hands giving okay sign

Over the past year Joe became a success with hard work and dedication not because the amount of money he earned, he raised his personal standard and became better. His work improved and so did his income. Along the way to a goal It’s who we become which determines success. Never get discouraged if you don’t quite hit your goal. It’s part of the process. If what your doing is not working don’t be afraid to change something, if that doesn’t work change it again. Never give up the real you is just waiting to come out!


In the end the only person who can define success is ourselves, we must decide what it means to be a success. Just achieving goals is not what makes a successful person but the discipline and drive along the way, the journey to success is one which I hope you embrace. Consider defining success as what you do rather than what you wish to achieve.


This week take note, begin to raise your personal standard become aware of those negative thoughts that whisper in your ear telling you to quit. Your greatness is in moving forward everyday no matter what the obstacle.

The journey to success never ends !

~Stay Strong~


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