The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

To be truly free one must not let actions of an individual who’s intention is to do a wrongful action to you, become in control of your emotions by way of conscious and destructive behavior which disrupts your inner peace. To be free from thoughts of frustration and anger, we must be able to forgive.


Peace cannot be found without forgiveness. It should be a daily behavior not occasional act, one must adopt forgiveness as a permanent attitude. In order to begin to forgive others we must first forgive ourselves. We live in an imperfect world full of challenges which can cause us to make a decision we might regret. Anger and frustration with a bad decision can lead to are ability to be a peace with ourselves unattainable. Energy one might have for another area in life becomes wasted on anger.


Each day examples of forgiveness become lost in a sea of resentment. We are all leaders no matter where you are or what you do, everywhere you go your setting an example. Children learn not from what we say but from what we do. They see everything. Over time a habit is formed, imagine if that habit was one of forgiveness? or a lack of? Today you don’t have to look very far to see a lack of forgiveness in society, seems like there is a disconnect which is being passed on from generation to generation.

Rocks laying by the sea enjoying the incoming waves at Point Mugu in Malibu, CA.

Truth is you and I can make a difference, we can exercise examples of forgiveness every day! No matter what the current consciousness of society is it can be changed.


But first we must learn how to forgive ourselves before we can lead others to follow our example.

So what can we do?

There a few simple steps to identify issues which get “under our skin” and frustrate or upset us.

  1. Find a quiet place where you can sit and think (don’t forget to shut off the cell phone and computer) begin to think about all the things that make you upset, it could be what a person said to you, or how they treated you. Think about how it makes you feel. Notice the increased tension.
  2. Close your eyes, capture this thought throw it in a trash can tie a yellow balloon to it and let if float away, as it disappears begin to take deep breaths, inhale then exhale, slowly inhale and again exhale, as you exhale watch the balloon disappear. Concentrate on your breathing, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.
  3. Think of a time in your live what something made you excited or happy. Or think about a loved one. With your eyes closed begin to think about as many details as you can, imagine your were there in person, feel the love and joy in your heart, don’t rush take your time. If at first you don’t succeed, start over from the beginning.
  4. Hold that positive feeling in your heart. Think about that person who did you wrong. Notice how the stress does not control your emotions. Replacing anger with positive thoughts, let love and forgiveness dominate our soul. In the future when we’re confronted with issues, the pattern of stress will be broken, you are now in control and can decide to let go of what a person said or did.

It has been said a habit takes approximately 25 days to develop, don’t get discouraged if at first it doesn’t work. Our minds are like a computer and sometimes we just need to reprogram how we think.


This week take note, find a quite place where you can sit in silence. Think about what might have upset you. Notice how you feel, go to step one and then step two, then step three and four. Sometimes we need to dig deep into the issue to pull up that which is positive. Realize your here to make a difference in the world by your example of forgiveness!

~Stay Strong~


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