How to Master A Work-Life Balance

How to Master A Work-Life Balance

If your one of those people who is “always on” trying to achieve more and ahead in your business or career, only to find yourself at the end of the day no further ahead than when the day started…You might want to take a minute and refine your current approach.


Don’t get discouraged, there are millions of people who have the same daily challenges. When I first started in business I believed that I could get more work done by extending my day, even if it meant working nights and weekends. Sound familiar ??


Truth is successful people commit as much time to all areas of life as they do to their business. Their focus is always on the goals which they desire to achieve, so is the focus on all areas of life !


When I implemented that strategy in my daily focus my whole life began to change.


Begin by identifying what is important. “Where your focus goes energy flows.” Be aware of the people around you, I found it helpful to share my expectations with the people on my team, which helped them to understand where I was going everyday.


On of my favorite things to do is going for a walk with my dogs, yet if I never told my team I needed 30 minutes a day with no phone call how would they know?


Maybe you want to go to the gym, spend time with the family, go for a walk, a day off, a vacation? let your team know what you need, no-phone calls, no-emails, no-text messages, or any other form of communication which distracts you from your time away. Always remember…People around may have the same needs, so listen and be ready to help them as well.


Don’t forget to take care of your health


It has been said most Americans are sleep deprived, eat unhealthy food and get little to no exercise. Which can lead to fatigue during the day. Studies have shown a balanced diet and proper sleep can help in all areas of life.


I only go on social media for a few minutes


There are only 24 hours in a day…Right?? So what’s the big deal with going on social media a few minutes during the day? One way to keep track of how much time you spend on social media, or surfing the internet is to keep a journal, each time you go on write down when you went on and how much time you were on. For me I was amazed how much time I was wasting during the day. I still go on social media, however I am aware of how much time I spend and keep track of what I do so it is in alignment with my daily schedule.

If you maintain balance in all areas of your life, you are less likely to “burn out.”


Don’t get caught trying to “multi-task.”


Stay with the plan, it’s not that you are doing less during the day, your following an organized plan, decide which tasks need your full attention and stick to the plan including your personal life.



This week develop a list of tasks which need to be accomplished, include family time as well as your health.

Develop and implement new daily habits

You will be glad you did

~Stay Strong~


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