3 Ways to Make Your “TO-DO” List More Productive

3 Ways to Make Your “TO-DO” List More Productive
Seems like every one you talk to these days is working harder than ever. The daily demands of work and family has left most of us scattered and frustrated that no matter how hard we work things we desire to get done never seem to get completed! indexDon’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with hard work, however the world has changed a bit since our parents were our age… Societal expectations of our personal and professional lives are completely different from when you and I were kids.
These days more and more people are “spinning their wheels” attempting to complete their “to-do lists.” Think about it when was the last time you finished every thing on your to-do list?

i3zfwhu2vpfpexrutlfdIt’s no secret there is great value in checking off tasks on that list, yet most of the anticipated items we want to complete each day never seem to get complete.

My Dad would always tell me to write it down then check it off as you accomplish tasks, which was very helpful, the challenge was, there was always items left at the end of the day. Yes there is always tomorrow…Truth is how many things do you want to “put off” to another day?


Today there is a more productive way of organizing that amazing “to-do list.”

Here are three simple steps you can take to keep your tasks organized:


1) Clarity:

There is no replacement for knowing what you want to accomplish each day. Why do you want to complete an item? The clearer you become about what you want the easier it gets, think about our brains like a computer…If we enter the wrong information the result will not be what we desire. Don’t worry about all the details just become clear what you want. Think about why you want to accomplish that task, and how it will make you feel when you do!

Glasses with clear vision of Teton Mountains in background

2) Your POA:

Nothing happens without a plan of action, you can sit around all day thinking and wishing, however without action you’ll receive little to no results. If you enter directions into your GPS and never drive to the destination, will you ever get there?  same fundamentals exist here. You must develop a plan of action and monitor the results along the way.

Man and diagram. 3d rendered illustration isolated on white.

3) Commit to the plan:

You must write it down and hold yourself accountable. This can be done alone of with the help of a friend or neighbor. One of the issues you could have when you use a friend is they may let you slip from the plan, It is easy to look at someone you know and seek sympathy than it is to ‘suck it up and just get it done. Find someone that will hold you accountable. Stick to the plan.

Be Accountable words on a to-do list dry erase board telling you to take responsibility, credit or blame for a job, task or project

Just working harder is not the best solution, longer hours will just make you tired and frustrated.

Utilize these three steps each day.

You’ll be glad you did!

~Stay Strong~


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